LIDAX concentrates all its integration and tests installations in a building called SMARTTEST Area, Space Mechanisms and Thermal Testing Laboratories.
LIDAX’s laboratory has approximately 1800 m2 where the following main services are offered:
- Subsystems tests at cryogenic/hot temperatures
- Mechanisms tests with sub-micrometric performances
- Integration and verification of optomechanical subsystems and space systems under ISO7 & ISO 5 cleanliness conditions
- Equipment inspection tools for quality/product assurance
SMARTTEST Area is equipped with the following main instrumentation:
Appropriate for thermal testing and optical measurements at cryogenic temperature for testing systems, equipment and components.
Hot Vacuum Chamber
Appropriate for hot temperature testing, and thermal qualification test for equipment and components.
ISO 7 & ISO 5 Clean Rooms Area
Cleaned and Environmentally controlled Area for assembly, alignment, test and integration of space flight hwardware compatible for opto-mechanical, focal plane assemblies, space mechanism,… etc
High resolution measurements used for the characterization of mechanisms
A combined service including cryostat and interferometer is available upon request.
High resolution rotation measurements used for the characterization of mechanisms: run-outs, wobble,…
Other instrumentation
- Product Assurance Inspection Tools : Coordinate Measurement Machine with a resolution of 0.5 microns inside Clean Room areas, UV/VIS lamps
- Sub-micron displacement capacitive sensors, compatible with cryogenics
- Temperature sensors, compatible with cryogenics
- Optical Tables